The Change of the First-time Mothers in the US

My Role

Designer Coder (Individual Work)


2019.04.18 - 2019.05.03


D3.js    Excel

This is a project I made in Interactive Data Vis course last semester.

The project is about the change of the age of first-time mothers in the United States and whether there is a correlation between education level and the change. After calculation, the mean age of first-time mothers in 2017, which is 28.65, 4 years older than 24.65 in 2000. So there are more women in their early 30s having babies than younger mothers for the first time.

It's my first time to use D3.js. It's the biggest challenge for me to create choropleth map charts and the multiple dot chart. Because the CDC has an open-source of the data. I just needed to transfer the PDF files into .csv files. In the end, I successfully finished the project.

This is my link to the project: